Again, I find myself at a casino. Again I question my motives. Am I hastening the apocolypse or just promoting harmless gaming? The casino in question is the "old Casino" down the road from the new, mega-giagantic casino. The clientele are, if possible, older and more malformed than the other casino. Because of this, the gulf between the patrons and the tall, perfect and beautiful models seems so much more unattainable and the dissonance more noticeable.
One chain smoking woman of about seventy laughed when she saw the models. She told me that if they wanted to sell fantasy they should show someone winning.
One frustrating thing is I don't really do audio on these jobs, it's more staying out of the way and providing scratch tracks. It isn't terribly satisfying way to do your job. I also move lights and c-stands with the cool kids in the clique but I never really feel a part of them anymore.
My camera battery died but there was a slot machine titled "Prophecy" and that seemed strangely at home in this place.

I wonder about the DP, who is an eminently moral man. How does he justify working on these spots.
I no longer will do casino spots. I feel good about this. I ask my kids to make moral choices regarding their behavior and their values. I should do the same for myself.