Because no one reads this-
It is horrifyingly easy to be negative now: it feels that our time as a democracy is very short. Our change will not be painless but it will be unnoticed by millions who can not look up from their devices. Unless a particularly poignant meme is created, the lights will go out in our republic without a peep from the the electorate. We are being destroyed by a narcissistic monster on a leash from the Kremlin. Soon it will be over, this grand social experiment, where it was attempted to break the power of the aristocracy and money elites, if even just in name only, but they are back and the alpha beasts will be forever in charge of the serfs. The monster can pardon himself (he can't) - He calls the shots on trade wars and tariffs (he isolates America) and he generally brings a great nation to its knees (not in a good way) to his toddler like will of the moment. Like a indulged child, he is never wrong, but instead insists that he has been wronged. This is not normal, but will be accepted because he has no shame. The phrase "children in cages" should send chills into every person, but because we don't really give a shit about anything but our social media presence we will tolerate it. Resistance, at best consists of awarding political FB posts with frowny faces. It is the very epitome of evil.
Fuck you Donald J. Trump and all you hold dear. May you rot in hell. The crime is that christians (I still consider myself one) have been seduced by the anti christ, elected him and now can not avert their gaze from him. It is over.