I spent a half day ( the hated bane of the freelancer ) at a school for developmentally disabled kids on the Eastside, interviewing a couple of the founding parents from 50 years ago. They had a need, saw a need in others and acting in their own interests left behind a mitzphah for thousands of others in their same situtation. They were really ordinary people who did something simple but utterly necessary, and did it with out wish for gain. That places that are created solely to help those who really need it, families with kids who are disabled, fills me with hope. The infinitely various evils may be growing like cancers across our land but there are still pockets of kindness left. The story of one of the children of one of the early parents is amazing: his son did not crawl, roll over, walk or talk until he was four. One day he started to say "horses" because he liked them, and it was the trigger to his development. He then quickly caught up and is now an Admiral in the US Navy.(Results are exceptional, Your results may vary)
Today was Tom's last day of 1st grade. I wish he could remain small forever. Ned is "promoted" tomorrow night from middle school. Life is passing quickly, as trite as that sounds.