So, it is my expressed intention to use this server space to try and remember the unremarkable activities of my professional life. I spent five days on the stage shooting 46 web catalog videos for a major running shoe manufacturer. The people were nice, the food okay and the commute not so good (the viaduct has begun it's long goodbye by becoming an annoying two lane). The most disturbing feature of this shoot was the fact that I was asked to do 12 hour days instead of 10. This is the beginning of the long goodbye to my freelance career? The shoot never even came close to 12 hours but if it had, then OT would have been off limits. Crews are changing and my position may be one of the first to go. I didn't mind agreeing to the 12s since it was more to support Geoff in his new role as a freelancer himself. If the studio folds there goes 40% of my business. Crumby photo from crumby phone. Insert iPHONE ENVY HERE.
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