Phony, sad, nonsensical holiday held hostage to consumer frenzy and the dim, not too clearly lit nostalgia for the free toy ride of our distant past. Sincerely, I like Jesus, I like the story of his birth (doubt heavily the date ascribed to said event by the early church) and if that were the main thrust of Christmas I would be gleeful. The mindless crush to purchase and re-create a mythical christmas that is the wholesale construction of Madison Avenue makes me ill. I don't like having to purchase a lot of crap people don't really need, with money I don't have in order for everyone to have a memorable, it's a wonderful life holiday. Let me put up some lights, watch the Astair Sims version of "a Christmas Carol" and lets be done.

However: I do like burning me some 8' tall elf effigy, lighting fireworks and eating chili with 80 friends. We have created our own magical phony sub-holiday event: Burning Elf.
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