Monday, August 6, 2012

On 8 months of Vegetarianism.

I don't know exactly why I gave up eating meat. It wasn't animal rights (though I like animals) and it wasn't entirely that meat is inherently unhealthy (it is at some level) or that I am committed to some geopolitical sustainability issue (actually that's pretty close to it) all I know is I did give up meat in early January 2012.

I feel fine. On the whole, I don't miss meat, though at BBQs I get sort of nostalgic for a greasy ol' hamburger or a piece of chicken. The only thing I have really had a craving for has been a big nasty, sloppy Gyro for some reason. Mostly being a vegetarian is just inconvenient.  Green vegetables are still as uninteresting as they were when I was snarfing down dead cow. I would have thought that I would have had a rainbow induced hippy revelation, and become entranced with bok choy but it hasn't happened. You have to think ahead and roast peppers for sandwiches, cut up stuff and have it available. There is an endless preparation of eggplant cutlets and peanut sauce for veggies on rice. It's sort of disheartening for a lazy subsistence chef that just wants to eat to get it over with and move on. Since Laurie and the boys are still eating meat, I still have to cook it, and then have something to approximate food for myself. There has been no remarkable weight loss or sudden burst of energy or any amazing transformation in my life. It's okay. I intend to at least go a year for a trial. I need to cut out bread, sugar and add exercise to make this work. As of now that looks daunting.

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