Lars Fujikawa, in his desperate confinement due to his spiralling ailments had me and my fine sons repair the ROLF NESLUND MEMORIAL in the tiny, almost non existent Pigeon Point Gateway Park. His statue had been stolen for the second time and his plinth cracked and made useless. I made use of the old concrete base of the original post and poured a 200lb base with a 3" concrete infused steel post and built a (very ugly ) masonry column. I did learn not to fill masonry with cement until the masonry has properly set, which any special needs child of 4 could have told me. A new and quite attractive head was cast at the cost of the original mold which finally succumbed to age and over use. In the end Rolf was finished and secure. This is the kind of thing that both invigorates me and also makes me question my motives and life decisions.
As a personal side note, on my 63rd birthday (how did that happen?) I was walking to a neighbor's to pick up the ROLF plaque and I had an "event" where in I almost passed out. Having never fainted in my life, it was fascinating ; everything got dark around the edge of my vision and reduced to a tunnel like matte. I remember thinking, "oh, I am going to sleep now..." and then my legs fell out from under me. I caught myself and never hit the pavement but was on the way. Atrial Fibrillation? Head rush with too much caffeine? Evil spirits and dark humors? Being a complete idiot I shook it off and finished the plaque project and then went home where a nice telephone nurse and my beloved Laurie got me to go to the emergency room. Not the bad stuff- no heart attack or stroke yet, but I need to see a cardiologist. It sort of happened (with variations,) again the next day.
Being old sucks.
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