Saturday, February 1, 2025

Oh yeah..Burning Elf 2024 happened...

    Another fine Burning Elf was had on December 30th,k 2024. Well attended, and our liquor cabinet depleted, many humans wished for and hoped to fully forget many things. The elf bore a slight resemblance to Elon Musk.

The Waking Nightmare of the New Normal


   I try very hard to not consume corporate news, or off brand internet news or too much sub-reddit conspiracy drivel, but it's no use: the Tangerine Burlesconi still exists and he is president of the USA and we are heading for the cliff with vacant stares and mouths agape. The idiotic, anachronistic uniquely American two month delay between election and inauguration was like a shot of novacaine to the brain: it couldn't be that bad, could it? It could. It is. It will be. My efete, useless defense to the Trumpanze Term #1 was to make and remake this sign which, was in turn, painted out and then torn down by Trumpinistas. Sadly, the message stays the same. More sadly, it seems that this carnival ride will be more dangerous than the first and the circus may burn to the ground before the clown can exit.