I spent two days gripping on an infomercial in Kirkland. It was for a single cup coffee maker like they have in hotel rooms. Infomercials used to be half hour shows where the budget and crews were large. They made up a fair percentage of my income at one time. The times changed and now an infomercial is 60 seconds or two minutes max. It probably makes sense when the name of the game is media buying. We shot with a Canon D5- the zeitgeist camera flavor of the month- a still camera that can shoot 1080P and makes a very pretty picture but is a wild pain in the ass to use. It is an odd feeling watching really talented DPs try and use these things. The AC (really a kid with a lexicon of nerd knowledge

At lunch I got the call that Carl had been in his motorcycle wreck, a terrible cell connection where all I could hear was "accident- ER- Omak"
It was all good fun.
I have a Canon 5D Mark II and I love it. Yeah It has its limitations, but the quality of the work I can do far outdoes any of the DV and HD camcorders I ever tried shooting on. They just never were able to achieve "The look" I was going for.
ReplyDeleteDunno if you remember me, Jim! Hope you are well!
-Ryan Cz.