A white limbo stage for a major cell phone service provider to announce their new contest. At least 75 takes with the copy varied slightly to satisfy a shadowy "legal" team off site. The on-camera talent began to say what we all heard as "When" when he was supposed to say "Win". He was unaware that he was doing it and at first I don't think he believed that he really was. Once convinced, he became hyper vigilant but still did it, as if he were trying to correct himself in the wrong direction. Suddenly all words were reduced to the guttural grunts and arbitrary clicks of our cave dwelling anscestors as we all listened intently to the most slight variation in pronunciations. It was like a deeply philosophical conversation over bong hits by 17 year olds.
It was an early wrap and we left the set up standing because we do it all over again for another company on Wednesday.
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