Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I still hate Halloween.

My least favorite day of the year. The day which all my monumental inadequacies as a parent shine with the brilliance of ten thousand suns. I have holidayaphobia: the marked inability to make a special day on the calendar even remotely special for my family. Tom refuses to trick or treat this year due to my past problems gathering friends for him to participate with, the strange nature of being a solo trick or treater and the fact I bought a house in the isolated hinterlands of humanity.

He did dress up for school as a obscure character from a Japanese Manga that he loves. (see above) I suppose I can rejoice that we are raising another generation of outsider nerds.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, cause everyone knows the truly lousy parents are the ones who build replicas of the tardis in their back yard. Ya ever think that maybe your family doesn't need some calendar to tell them a day is special and that they have all kinds of special days. They just don't happen to have commercial backing.

    Also, too, did you change to some kind of wonky font or should I be checking for signs of a stroke, cause those lines look awful jumpy to me.
